E Liquids

UK's Premier Brand Eliquids

Choosing E-Liquids


Electronic cigarettes uses a substance known as an e-liquid as per of the smoking process. Understanding just what an e-liquid is, how it works, and what options are available for a smoker can greatly aid the decision making process and provide a smoker with a more enjoyable experience with electronic cigarettes.

What is an E-Liquid?

An e-liquid is a cartridge that is inserted into an electronic cigarette which contains nicotine and flavorings. Without it, the electronic cigarette is just a shell and an e-liquid provides the heart of the smoking experience for a user. This e-liquid is heated with an atomizer in the electronic cigarette at an significantly high temperature so that the underlying substance is vaporized in the process, leaving only the vapor and flavoring for the individual to consume.

Variety of E-liquids

There are a lot of different e-liquids out there for possible consumption. Some e-liquids have specific flavorings that are appealing to people either by relating the e-liquid flavor to n traditional cigarette that they used to enjoy or by providing a fruity flavoring for enjoyment. Other e-liquids have health additives like CBD oil included in them which can provide some ancillary benefits while smoking. Further yet, some e-liquids have reduced levels of nicotine in them which can allow a person to slowly wean themselves off of their smoking habit. In addition to this, there are a whole host of different manufacturers of e-liquids which can greatly expand on the options available to consume.

Considerations When Buying an e-liquid

There are a number of different factors that a buyer should consider when choosing an e-liquid. The reputation of the manufacturer is important as is the flavor and variety a user is choosing. In addition, consideration of the accessibility of the e liquids is important and a user should see where they can buy them.